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Happy 21st, Daniel Radcliffe!

Our wee DanRad in 2001, when he burst into stardom as the wildly popular Harry Potter. A gem, onscreen and off.

2002, on set with Chris Columbus

2004, premiere 0f Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

2005, being adorable. He's about 16 here.

2006. Charming the ladies far and wide

2007-- How dreamy is this guy?

2008. Posing by some leaves, being Daniel Radcliffe. No big deal.

2009. Can you believe this beast is only 20 years old? What a doll.

2010-- At the opening of the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Such an accomplished fellow.


Half-dressed Week: Poolside Edition!

The gloriously ripped Ryan Reynolds!

The multi-talented and gorgeous James Franco!

A young and awkward (though attractive nevertheless) Nick Jonas!

David Henrie-- ah, the vigor of youth and beauty shines through his every Italian pore!

The eternal and immortal Fab Four!


Rowling and the Gang!

J.K. Rowling herself, the mastermind behind it all. Gorgeous, isn't she?

Tom Felton, though inarguably dark as Draco, is actually a very sweet, adorable musician.

Rupert Grint. Look at that smile! And those eyes! And that hair!

Emma Watson-- breathtaking. Such a classy young woman. The world needs more like her.

Daniel Radcliffe, actor extraordinaire; with his gorgeous eyes and unmistakable features. Brilliant.